2011年5月31日 星期二

TOYS HELP US、寄付金についてご報告申し上げます。

4月11日より実施しました東北地方太平洋沖地震義援金キャンペーンTOYS HELP USチャリティ・セールにご協力たまわりまして本当にありがとうございます。
またこれにキャンペーン・セール期間中の留之助ブラスターPROの売上げの10%をはじめ、Monsters and Misfits展でのカタログの売上げの全額、その他の印刷物やLimited Toyの売上げの10%を加算し、合計1,315,650円を、本日、高山市役所の義援金窓口へ持参しました。

Thank you very much for your cooperation to the charity sale of TOYS HELP US as a donation campaign for Tohoku region/Pacific ocean offshore earthquake held from April 11th. 
Because of many people's warm understanding and support, we collected total 874,820 yen (=10,663.00 USD) for the donation (as of May 30th). 
In addition, when we add 10% of Tomenosuke Blaster PRO sales during the campaign sales, sales from the catalogs at the exhibition Monsters and Misfits, other printed materials, and 10% of Limited Toy sales to that amount, the grand total reached to 1,315,650 yen(=16,000.00 USD). 
We sent the amount to the devastated area through the donation section of Takayama city hall today.


We would like to thank all the artists, manufacturers, and collectors who provided great toys and art work, as well as the people who purchased them.

また、ご協力のお申し出をいただきながらまだ届かない作品につきましては、到着次第、当ブログで紹介したのちTOYS HELP USのサイトで販売し、収益はそのつど寄付させていただきます。

For the products that are not still arrived yet while providing them for cooperation, we will sell those products at TOYS HELP US website after introducing them in this blog as soon as they arrive and donate their profit at each time when they are sold.


